Pearson Education, Inc., 221 River Street, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, (Pearson) presents this site to provide information about Peachpit products and services that can be purchased through this site. It is recommended that you do not simultaneously use the Server app on more than one Mac to administer a given server. You can use the Server app on a Mac with Mountain Lion to manage OS X Server running on a remote Mac, but only if the checkbox “Allow remote administration using Server” is selected. Additionally, your server computer might be located in an inconvenient physical location. You can certainly administer your server on your server computer, however, even though OS X Server is now an application, rather than an entire operating system, it’s still not recommended to use your server for your daily productivity applications.
#Os x server app how to
You will learn how to enable remote access to the Server app and how to move the location your server uses to store much of its service data.
In this lesson you’ll learn about the various panes available in the Server app. Once you’ve completed your initial installation and configuration of OS X Server and you click Finish at the Congratulations pane, the Server app opens its main configuration pane and you can continue configuring it.
Move service data to a different volume.Use the Server app to administer a remote computer with OS X Server.